Saturday, December 12, 2009



Step 1:

Step 2:

Living stories is different than the other sources because it has new ways to interact with news and the quality of reporting. A typical news source starts with the most important piece of news and then goes from there in decreasing order of importance. Living stories unifys coverage with a consistent URL. They organize information by developments in the story. They call your attention to changes in the story so it is easy to find.

Yes, i think this will help reduce bias in the news because the stories the other people find important are no more prominent than those that you find important. If you dont want to read something it isnt prominently thrust upon you by being on the front page, and having a huge, unaviodable picture.

I think that google should allow you to click to follow a certain story then have them send you e mail updates whenever the story changes. Also, i think you should be aloud to customize your page by clicking what type of news stories you would want to be notified about over others.